Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Topics of the Semester

These were some of the main topics we went over this semester.
Fabrication is one of the worst ideas you can get into your head as a journalist.  We watched a movie called shattered glass about a journalist named Steven Glass who fabricated a large amount of his articles (true story).  He had found a loop hole in the fact checking system were all he had to do is to have all of his "facts" in his notes, but one of his articles called "Hack Heaven" seemed a little off.  So as the story develops it is revealed that he had fabricated almost all of his stories.  Now if he wanted to be a journalist again no ones going to hire because he was a fabricator so he ruined his career as a journalist.
Leads are the most important part of the article.  They are what draws the reader into reading more of your article to find out what your talking about.  Plus with a lead you need to pack as much information as possible as you can into that one sentences.  This also fit in with the inverted pyramid where you put the most information in the beginning of the article and put less and less in as the the articles continue.  This is so people who don't have enough time or in a rush get the general idea of what you're talking about.
A journalists has to be careful when publishing an article and make sure it doesn't insult the person you are talking about.  This is because they can sue for libel, but this can only accepted if 1. the person your article is on is identifiable, 2. you have to publish it, 3. has to hurt the persons reputation, 4. can't be true, and 5. has to be intentional.  If your article doesn't include those things they can't sue you for libel.

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